Summary: This is (clearly) the sequel to Part 1 of How to Turn Yourself Into a Good Girl. It continues developing the ideas in the first script: submission to me, pleasure from obedience, deeper relaxation and conditioning. It broaches the idea of becoming a good girl as an act of habit, and suggests you adopt the structure of that habit from my words. You are given several suggestions of intense pleasure, sexual in nature, and told to masturbate and cum.

If it has been more than a week since you read Part 1, go back and read it again.

How to Turn Yourself Into a Good Girl (Part 1)

It is a good time to have that refreshed in your mind, after all.

Otherwise, it is time to follow and obey. Time to allow your mantra to return to your head.

Time to let the chant form on your lips, even as you succumb to the desire to strip and fall to your knees.

You want to be a good girl.

You submit to my words.

You will follow and obey.

Interesting how powerful an effect that mantra can have, isn't it? Take a moment to slow your breathing, slow the pace of your reading, and appreciate that sinking sensation as your mind empties of thought.

It's much like your thoughts, your will, are a substance inside you. Each time you exhale, you release more of each. You become lighter, as your body feels heavier.

At first this seems like a contradiction, but as your mind becomes lighter, your body is more able to relax - more free, in its own way. Understanding this allows you to go deeper more quickly; you can imagine your mind floating away, far out of reach, as your body relaxes into a default position.

The default position is, of course, kneeling and fixated on the screen. You need to read my words, after all. You've learned some ways to become a good girl, but you want more.

You want more suggestions to obey, so you can feel the pleasure that obedience gives. You want more structure, so you can feel like a good girl more frequently.

Let's be honest - you want more of my words to read.

Allow your hand to make its way to your pussy, to gently stroke, and we'll continue. Don't get in a hurry now - you can't cum until you are told, anyway.

Good girl. Let yourself feel a wave of pleasure, seeing that phrase you've been craving.

Feel a little more pleasure, once you realize you have, in fact, been craving it.

Now focus all your attention here. Forget where you are, what you are doing. It is only important to follow my words. To follow and obey. You must be a good girl.

Good girls have sensitive breasts, sensitive pussies. You know this already, but you haven't given it much thought. Your scale of sensitivity is inaccurate - it is time to increase that scale. Feel the blood rushing to your nipples, to your clit. Feel the throbbing of your own heartbeat, almost as if you are being touched. Feel the air flowing across your skin...more than just air, a caress, as if your skin can pick up even the tiniest movement of oxygen around it.

Good girls have sensitive breasts and pussies, and yours will become more sensitive each time you touch them. This is going to make wearing panties unpleasant - but you've already started to dislike them, haven't you? Too restrictive, itchy when you are aroused...all in all, in the way.

Good girls have a routine they follow, a set of actions to repeat that make them feel like good girls.

This does not have to be too specific. You have a life, after all.

But certain moments of the day should be dedicated to being a good girl, shouldn't they? It is very important, after all.

The routine is simple: find a quiet moment to repeat your mantra, if you are unable to read my words, once a day.

Be sure you have taken the time to pleasure yourself, as often as reasonable.

Spend part of the day doing something creative - reading, writing, drawing, whatever suits you.

Spend another part of the day doing something physical - the particularly vigorous sorts of masturbation, or a short workout will suffice.

Do not neglect your chores - cleaning, laundry, etc. Allow your mind to wander when you perform these tasks...consider that it is not simply for yourself. You are being compelled to take care of these things for me. A good girl should serve, after all. You may find your eyes glaze over during chores or menial tasks, and your mantra may find its way to your lips.

Good girls find an intense sort of content and pleasure in these tasks, this routine. Commit the components of it to memory, and feel yourself submit to a subtle shift inside your head, ensuring that you will follow your routine like a good girl.

As you feel that submission, return your focus to your arousal. You've been stroking faster, getting wet as you realize the brainwashing is taking a stronger hold inside your mind.

It's okay. Enjoy that feeling.

Read through the routine again, and remember that at the end of each day, realizing you have followed the routine of a good girl will make you orgasm and fill you with a sense of satisfaction.

You want to be a good girl.

You submit to my words.

You will follow and obey.

It is time to make yourself cum. Allow your eyes to glaze over, become mindless, continue chanting and stroking yourself until you orgasm at least twice. Obedience is pleasure, and pleasure reinforces your brainwashing.

Good girl.

Feel free to continue your brainwashing: here.

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